Chelsea McKinney, REALTOR®

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Highly Effective Habits for Keeping a Tidy Home

Clean House, Peaceful Mind: Unlock the Art of Effortless Organization

Welcome, fellow dwellers of the domestic realm! Today, we embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of maintaining an impeccably clean house. Picture this: you walk through your front door, and instead of being greeted with chaos and clutter, you are enveloped in a serene oasis of order and cleanliness. Your stress levels drop, your mind relaxes, and you feel an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. Sounds like a dream, doesn't it? Well, dream no more, because I am here to unveil the magical path to an effortlessly clean house. So, grab your cleaning supplies and hold on tight, because we are about to embark on a sparkling adventure!

Silliness aside; cleaning doesn’t have to be a hassle if you keep on top of it. Here are some small daily steps you can take to keep your home clean.

Post-shower swipe. To keep mold at bay, store a washcloth in your shower that you use for wiping down surfaces after you turn the water off. Just make sure everyone in the family knows the purpose of the rag so it doesn’t end up on anyone’s face! Do make sure you swap the rag out once a week.

Early morning clutter sweep. As you wait for the coffee to brew or the dog to finish his breakfast before your walk, run through the lower level of your home and take care of any clutter piles: junk mail in need of opening, shoes or jackets dumped by the door or blankets on the couches that may need folding.

Nightly surface wipe. Every night before you head to bed (or the TV room), grab a rag and wipe down your counters, kitchen or dining table, and any other surface that collects food particles, dirt or dust.

Closet self-control. It can be tempting to strip off your clothes after a long day and dump them in a pile on the floor or toss them on a chair. But properly putting your clothes away—either in the hamper, back in the closet or in a pile for dry cleaning—will help stop weekly clutter.

Clean as you cook. Does your soup have fifteen minutes left to simmer? Start on the dishes, sop up splatter on the counter or floor, or tackle the trash. Waiting until the end of the meal can make it all too easy to say, “I’ll clean up in the morning.”

So, dear friend, remember this, as we bid adieu,
Keeping a clean house is an art, a skill we must pursue.
With love and care, let cleanliness shine bright,
And may your home be a haven, forever pure and light.